I have a FastAPI app using PyMongo and Beanie.
I want to filter the recommendations document array given an artist id, and update it's approve, notes and feedback keys.
artist is an optional link to another collection:
artist: Optional[Link[ArtistCollection]]
"_id": "65a16b0469f8f0425e8d47a9",
"created_at": "2024-01-12T16:38:28.403000",
"status": "open",
"notes": null,
"event": null,
"recomendations": [
"approve": null,
"disapprove": null,
"notes": "",
"feedback": "",
"score": null,
"artist": {
"id": "182957",
..., # Other Fields
I've tried the following, and got no results:
recommendation = await Recomendations.find_one(
{"_id": ObjectId(recomendation_id)},
updated_document = await recommendation.update(
{"$set": {
"artist_recomendations.$[elem].approve": datetime.now(),
"artist_recomendations.$[elem].notes": artist_recomendation.notes,
"artist_recomendations.$[elem].feedback": artist_recomendation.feedback,
array_filters=[{"elem.artist.$id": artist_id}]
return updated_document
Ok, found the issue, I had to filter by artist, and use a DBRef object to have the correct assignment.
result = await Recomendations.find_one({"_id": PydanticObjectId(recomendation_id)})
if not result:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Recomendation not found")
await result.update(
"$set": {
"artist_recomendations.$[x].approve": datetime.now(),
"artist_recomendations.$[x].notes": artist_recomendation.notes,
"artist_recomendations.$[x].feedback": artist_recomendation.feedback,
array_filters=[{"x.artist": DBRef(collection=('artists'), id=artist_id)}],
return result
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Item not found")