this is the code to save Proxmox API data to database. Detecting new record and updating a record automatically. the value of the $apiData, $requestData, $type , $mode, i aleardy check it all. so the problem is in the code below. and its always said "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::save does not exist. in Laravel".
public function mapApiDataToModel($apiData, $requestData, $type , $mode)
if ($mode == 'new'){
$mappedData = new ProxmoxVps;
elseif ($mode == 'update'){
$mappedData = ProxmoxVps::find($requestData['id_proxmox_vps']);
$mappedData->id_proxmox_node = $requestData['id_proxmox_node'];
$mappedData->nama = $requestData['selected_node'];
$mappedData->vm_id = $apiData['vmid'];
$mappedData->type = $type;
$mappedData->catatan = null;
$mappedData->status = $apiData['status'];
$mappedData->status_ews1 = $apiData['status_ews1'] ?? 'danger';
$mappedData->status_ews2 = $apiData['status_ews2'] ?? 'normal';
$mappedData->last_update = now();
$mappedData->online = $apiData['online'] ?? 'online';
$mappedData->cpu_usage_percentage = round($apiData['cpu'] * 100, 2);
$mappedData->cpu_max = $apiData['cpus'];
$mappedData->ram_usage_percentage = round(($apiData['mem'] / $apiData['maxmem']) * 100, 2);
$mappedData->ram_max = $apiData['maxmem'] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024);
$mappedData->hd_usage_percentage = round($apiData['disk'] / (1024 * 1024), 2);
$mappedData->hd_max = round($apiData['maxdisk'] / (1024 * 1024), 2);
$mappedData->hd_read_utilization = round($apiData['diskread'] / (1024 * 1024), 2);
$mappedData->hd_write_utilization = round($apiData['diskwrite'] / (1024 * 1024), 2);
$mappedData->net_in_utilization = round($apiData['netin'] / (1024 * 1024), 2);
$mappedData->net_out_utilization = round($apiData['netout'] / (1024 * 1024), 2);
if ($type === "lxc") {
$mappedData->sched_checking_interval = $requestData[0]['listSelectedCT']['interval'] ?? 0;
} else {
$mappedData->sched_checking_interval = $requestData[0]['listSelectedVM']['interval'] ?? 0;
$mappedData->sched_ews_interval = $apiData['sched_ews_interval'] ?? 0;
$mappedData->sched_is_processing = false;
$mappedData->ews1_warning_threshold = $requestData['ews1_warning_threshold'];
$mappedData->ews1_danger_threshold = $requestData['ews1_danger_threshold'];
$mappedData->ews2_sampling_count = $requestData['ews2_sampling_count'];
$mappedData->ews2_percentile_warning_threshold = $requestData['ews2_percentile_warning_threshold'];
$mappedData->ews2_percentile_danger_threshold = $requestData['ews2_percentile_danger_threshold'] ?? 0;
$mappedData->row_status = 1;
$mappedData->deleted_by = null;
$mappedData->deleted_at = null;
$mappedData->updated_by = $apiData['updated_by'] ?? '';
$mappedData->created_by = $apiData['created_by'] ?? '';
DB::transaction(function () use ($mappedData) {
return $mappedData;
it's a litlle bit too complex for a newbie like me, i've tried so many ways to solve this, from changing command until the algorithm, but i got no change. please help me, i've try to solve this for a couple days😥😥
After all day I searched for an answer to this, it turns out the problem was in the value $requestData['id_proxmox_vps']
which was assigned to $mappedData = ProxmoxVps::find($requestData['id_proxmox_vps']);
to get the ID for updating the record.
This is the value:
array:1 [ // app\Http\Controllers\Proxmox\ProxmoxNodeController.php:279
0 => 135
The variable must point directly to the value so that it can be read correctly
$mappedData = ProxmoxVps::find($requestData['id_proxmox_vps'][0]);