
Submitting to slurm a python script which calls srun

I want to submit a python script with slurm, going through bash "sbatch". In my python is called "python"

Which in turn will use "check_call" from the subroutine module to finally call srun to run a massively-parallelized software.

I would like to know if this will hurt performance somehow, my worry is that python will take one process since it is the job being submitted?

If a slurm/HPC guru could answer my question I would be grateful!


  • If i understand the workflow correctly:

    Sbatch -> Bash Script -> Python Script -> Srun -> HPC Workload

    If this is the case, and without having more information then i would say youd be introducing a very small (negligible) overhead when submitting the job. But in terms of performance of the entire Workload, if this only happens once at startup, the runtime performance wont be affected.