
How to reset HTML form in yew

I am trying to get a grip on Yew with a simple form input page.

//... imports
// I have redacted some code. RecipeItemProps is a simple three string struct
#[derive(Properties, PartialEq)]
pub struct RecipeFormProps {
    pub ingredients: Vec<RecipeItemProps>,

fn RecipeForm(props: &RecipeFormProps) -> Html {
    let app_state = use_state(|| Vec::from(props.ingredients.clone()));

    let add_ingridient_callback = {
        let app_state = app_state.clone();
        Callback::from(move |event: SubmitEvent| {
            let target: EventTarget =;
            let form = target.dyn_into::<HtmlFormElement>().ok();

            if let Some(form) = form {
                let form_data = FormData::new_with_form(&form).unwrap();
                let name: JsValue = form_data.get("ingridient");
                let amount: JsValue = form_data.get("amount");
                let quantity: JsValue = form_data.get("quantity");

                let mut myvec = app_state.to_vec();
                myvec.push(RecipeItemProps {
                    name: name.as_string().unwrap(),
                    amount: amount.as_string().unwrap(),
                    quantity: quantity.as_string().unwrap(),
   // I generate html here

However, I would like to reset form input fields in add_ingridient_callback on submit. I cannot figure out how to actually do this. In react would achieve this. How could I manage this in yew?


  • There is a method in HtmlFormElement called reset which resets the form inputs.

    if let Some(form) = form {
        let form_data = FormData::new_with_form(&form).unwrap();
        let name: JsValue = form_data.get("ingridient");
        let amount: JsValue = form_data.get("amount");
        let quantity: JsValue = form_data.get("quantity");
        let mut myvec = app_state.to_vec();
        myvec.push(RecipeItemProps {
            name: name.as_string().unwrap(),
            amount: amount.as_string().unwrap(),
            quantity: quantity.as_string().unwrap(),
        // Inserted reset

    Why is missed this before, I cannot say. It is literally the same code as in the example.