I am am trying to make a decoder where you input the words comprising the NATO phonetic alphabet, and have it eventually spit out the translated sentences, only the actual "switcher" is not made.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
map<char, string> NATOMap = { {' ',"-"}, {'a', "alfa"}, {'b', "bravo"}, {'c', "charlie"}, {'d', "delta"}, {'e', "echo"}, {'f', "foxtrot"}, {'g',"golf"}, {'h',"hotel"}, {'i',"india"}, {'j', "juliett"}, {'k', "kilo"}, {'l', "lima"}, {'m',"mike"}, {'n', "november"}, {'o', "oscar"}, {'p', "papa"}, {'q',"quebec"}, {'r', "romeo"}, {'s',"sierra"}, {'t', "tango"}, {'u', "uniform"}, {'v',"victor"}, {'w',"whiskey"}, {'x',"xray"}, {'y',"yankee"}, {'z', "zulu"} };
//this input comes from a file, placed here for easier testing
string Dinpustring = "hotel echo lima lima oscar - whiskey oscar romeo lima delta";
//split text
string temp;
stringstream ss(Dinpustring);
vector<string> inputDxt;
while (getline(ss, temp, ' ')) {
//spit out text (testing purpouses)
cout << "text get:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < inputDxt.size(); i++) {
cout << inputDxt[i] << endl;
//switcher(probably contains loops)??
//not necessary for here, only to show where its supposed to end up
fstream Doutfile3;
Doutfile3.open("Dencoded.txt", ios::out, ios::trunc);
if (outfile3.is_open()) {
outfile3 << outputDxt;
return 0;
I have not previously worked with maps before, I barely got acquainted with vectors somewhat, so I have no idea where to at least start from; the rest of the code I have tested and know to work.
Your map is the wrong way around.
If your input is made of NATO words, it should be map<string, char>
The first template argument is the key, i.e. what you look up, and the second argument is the value, i.e. the value associated with the looked-up key.
Since order doesn't matter here, you could use unordered_map
just as well as map
// make this global
const std::unordered_map<std::string, char> NATOMap = {
{"-", ' '}, {"alfa", 'a'}, {"bravo", 'b'}, /* ... */
Also, you should use ss >> temp
, not getline(ss, temp, ' ')
to read each word. getline
does not handle multiple consecutive spaces nicely and gives you empty strings in such cases.
// C++11
std::string decode(const std::vector<std::string>& words) {
std::string result;
for (const auto& word : words) {
auto it = NATOmap.find(word);
// If the word wasn't found, we push a '?' character.
// You could also throw an exception in this case.
result.push_back(it == NATOmap.end() ? '?' : it->second);
return result;
// C++23
std::string decode(std::span<const std::string> words) {
return {std::from_range, words | std::views::transform([](const auto& word) {
auto it = NATOmap.find(word);
return it == NATOmap.end() ? '?' : it->second;
std::vector<std::string> inputDxt; // vector containing all input words
// fill inputDxt ...
std::cout << decode(inputDxt) << '\n';