
How to include HTML5 DOCTYPE in HTTP response

When using BaseX for developing a web application, I'd like to return HTML and include the DOCTYPE that is typical for HTML5, namely <!DOCTYPE html> I've noticed that if I set up a RESTXQ function and include the %output:method('html') annotation, there is no default DOCTYPE. If the function returns a sequence where the first item is the string "<!DOCTYPE html>" and the second is an <html> element, the web server escapes the angle brackets as &lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt; Is there a way to disable character escaping? If I include %output:doctype-system('html') then the web server provides <!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "html"> which isn't quite right. Is there a way to suppress SYSTEM "html"?

I'm not seeing anything on the RESTXQ page of the BaseX documentation about using the HTML5 DOCTYPE, and the draft RESTXQ spec I found at doesn't mention DOCTYPE at all.


  • The best solution is to output the result as HTML5, which can be done with the html-version serialization parameter:

    function local:test() {