
The PowerShell script is not producing the anticipated JSON output as intended

powershell script not working as expected

I am trying to achieve below format output with my PowerShell script. Expected Output:

"TestParam": {
    "5903-95856-24869-e43": {
         "CallerName": "testparner",
         "ClientId": "123-45-789",
         "ClientSecret": {
             "KeyVaultSecretName": "ClientSecret"

Script I am using

        "CallerName"= $PartnerName
        "ClientId"= $ClientID
        "ClientSecret"= @{
            "KeyVaultSecretName"= "ClientSecret"
$jsonData = @{
    "TestParam"= $DM
$jsonString = $jsonData | ConvertTo-Json

Actual output I am getting using above script:

enter image description here


  • Please try the following code; it is expected to address the problem you're facing.

            "CallerName"= $PartnerName
            "ClientId"= $ClientID
            "ClientSecret"= @{
                "KeyVaultSecretName"= "ClientSecret"
    $jsonData = @{
        "TestParam"= $DM
    $jsonString = $jsonData | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4