I have the following flutter dart code which uses the geolocator package.
Position? _position;
void _getCurrentLocation() async {
context: context,
builder: (context) {
return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
Position position = await _determinePosition();
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_position = position;
lat = position.latitude.toString();
long = position.longitude.toString();
I am getting a lint warning (see below) on _position and it is greyed out saying that "The value of the field '_position' isn't used. (Documentation) Try removing the field, or using it."
Position? _position;
If I comment the line out I get an error under setState for _position = position saying Undefined name '_position'.
The code works and I don't know if its best to just ignore the lint or if there is a better way to fix it?
Even though you have assigned the value, the Dart analyzer knows that you haven't use it. Start using the value somewhere else, maybe in a Text
widget, and the warning will be gone.