I am trying to use the XPath query tool (bottom tab in XMLSpy) to test XPaths in an XML that uses namespaces.
I don't know how to declare the namespace.
Example XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Data xmlns="http://www.myns.com">
If I select XQuery 3.1 as my query language, I can test my XPath like this:
declare namespace myns="http://www.myns.com";
But if I select XPath 3.1 as my query language, how do I define the namespace? (Doing simply //Level1/Level2/Data does not work.)
XPath 1.0 (and higher)
//Level1/Level2/*[namespace-uri()='http://www.myns.com' and local-name()='Data']
XPath 2.0 (and higher)
XPath 3.0 or 3.1
See also this excellent answer