is there any way that packer can connect to Debian genericcloud
image? We are not using cloud-init, rather we are using packer to create our own image template for our private cloud. Using the iso and build an image template works straight forward.
The nocloud
image allows root login without a password. Unfortunately ssh port 22 is commented in sshd_config
, so ssh fails until it is commented out manually, which makes the automation process impossible.
Is there any way that packer can inject the temporary pub key to the genericcloud
image and connect to it for further modifications?
I tried to use but I am not quite sure how should it work, the process stuck at Waiting for SSH to become available...
and breaks after the ssh_wait_timeout
is over.
Yes there is a way, took couple of hours to figure out this.
When using qemu plugin you can specify cd_files
and cd_label
to run cloud-init
inside this machine, but there is important thing. cd_label
should be exactly "CIDATA"
with capital letters, also you should pass to cd_files exactly two files user-data
and meta-data
Without this cloud-init
wouldn't understand you.
There is example directory for you with files content:
$ ls -1
is newly generated rsa ssh key file via ssh-keygen
without password and
it's public part
$ cat meta-data
$ cat user-data
- name: root
- ""
$ cat config.pkr.hcl
packer {
required_plugins {
qemu = {
version = "~> 1"
source = ""
source "qemu" "example" {
accelerator = "kvm"
boot_command = []
disk_compression = true
disk_interface = "virtio"
disk_image = true
disk_size = "10000M"
boot_wait = "2s"
vm_name = "debian-genericcloud-amd64-packer.qcow2"
format = "qcow2"
headless = "false"
iso_checksum = "sha512:49cbcfdb3d5401e8c731d33211cff5e1ef884f179a936c7378eeab00c582ace45dd7154ac9e4c059f1bd6c7ae2ce805879cb381a12a1cc493e3a58c847e134c7"
iso_url = ""
net_device = "virtio-net"
output_directory = "artifacts_tests"
cd_files = ["./user-data", "./meta-data"]
cd_label = "CIDATA"
qemuargs = [["-m", "16384M"], ["-smp", "8"]]
communicator = "ssh"
host_port_min = 2222
host_port_max = 2299
shutdown_command = "sudo shutdown -P now"
shutdown_timeout = "10s"
ssh_private_key_file = "./packer_key"
ssh_clear_authorized_keys = true
ssh_username = "root"
ssh_timeout = "20s"
build {
sources = ["source.qemu.example"]
provisioner "shell" {
inline = [
"apt-get update",
"apt-get install python3",
"apt-get autoclean",
"apt-get clean"
With this you should be able to reproduce build
$ packer version
Packer v1.10.0