Let's say I make a generic class whose objects only contain one value (of type T).
T = TypeVar('T')
class Contains(Generic[T]):
val: T
def __init__(self, val: T):
self.val = val
Note that self.val can itself be a Contains object, so a recursive structure is possible. I want to define a function that will reduce such a structure to a single non-Contains object.
def flatten(x):
while isinstance(x, Contains):
x = x.val
return x
What should the type signature of 'flatten' be?
I tried to make a recursive Nested type
Nested = T | Contains['Nested[T]']
but it confuses the type checker as T can also mean a Contains object.
def flatten(x: Nested[T]) -> T:
while isinstance(x, Contains):
reveal_type(x) # reveals Contains[Unknown] | Contains[Nested]
x = x.val
reveal_type(x) # reveals object* | Unknown
return x
Another approach was to make a separate class
class Base(Generic[T]):
self.val: T
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
Nested = Base[T] | Contains['Nested[T]']
def flatten(x: Nested[T]) -> T:
while isinstance(x, Contains):
x = x.val
return x.val
This works, but you have to wrap the argument in a Base object every time, which is cumbersome. Furthermore, Base has the same behaviour as Contains, it's the same thing written twice! I tried to use NewType instead, but it isn't subscriptable.
Is there any nice (or, at least not too ugly) way to do it?
The problem is that static type checkers are typically unable to infer dynamic type changes from assignments such as:
x = x.val
As a workaround you can make flatten
a recursive function instead to avoid an assignment to x
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, TypeAlias
T = TypeVar('T')
class Contains(Generic[T]):
val: T
def __init__(self, val: T):
self.val = val
Nested: TypeAlias = T | Contains['Nested[T]']
def flatten(x: Nested[T]) -> T:
if isinstance(x, Contains):
return flatten(x.val)
reveal_type(x) # Type of "x" is "object*"
return x
Demo with PyRight here
Demo with mypy here