
Are geohash tiles the same size anywhere on the globe?

I'm trying to use geohashes to group points from all over the US into "tiles". I'm using geohash 7, but I can't wrap my head around how a geohash "tile" in the north of the US would be the same size of one in the south due to the distortion of the globe. My question really is: can I assume that the size of a geohash 7 tile in the north of the US is the same size as one in the south?


  • The size of geotiles varies with latitude because the tiles are drawn on top of a rectangular projection of a sphere and there is no way to make such a projection without introducing significant distortion.

    Geohash tile sizes

    The most common projection tech folks run into is web Mercator. Tissot's indicatrix shows us that this projection is not equal area:

    Tissot's indicatrix for mercator

    If you need equal area tiles for, eg, statistical purposes packages such as my dggridR provide this functionality by tiling a spherical representation of the Earth with hexagons, thereby inducing less distortion.

    dggridR hexagonal tiles