So i have developed a package say A and published in Azure devops > Artifacts >Universal Package. In my pubspec.yaml file of the project i am referring it as
path: packageA
ref: v1.0.0`
Reference : (Hosted PAckage in custom repo)
I have also created a PAT token and set as environment variable. also used command as below
dart pub token add --env-var MY_SECRET_TOKEN
MY_SECRET_TOKEN is saved in environment variable.
I get an issue: Because flutter_appp_Example depends on package 'A' any which doesn't exist (could not find package A at{organization}/{projectname}/_apis/packaging/Feeds/{feedname}/Packages/)
I am expecting that it refers the package from the repository directly and i dont have to run command for downloading universal package which looks like below:
az artifacts universal download --organization --project="Integrated_Service_Flow" --scope project --feed Mobile_Feed --name my-first-package --version 0.0.1 --path .
I'm afraid it's not supported to use DevOps universal package in the pubspec.yaml file of your flutter project.
The dependencies sources in pubspec.yaml support below:
And for Hosted packages, it supports custom package repository. The package should be able to fetch from the hosted-url.
However, DevOps Univeral feed package is NOT stored in the git repository, and cannot fetch from the feed package url. Hence, cannot use the hosted-url as the sample above.