
2-byte signed comparision

I'm working on comparing 2-byte signed integers and I feel like I'm on the right track, but I must be missing something. I've rewritten the same algorithm from scratch a few different times and all of them get close but don't work for all the cases I'm testing. Here's my latest version:

MATH_lt_int: ; a < b, a: MATH_INT_INPUT_1, b: MATH_INT_INPUT_2
  jsr MATH_clear_int_output ; I use too many subroutines, sorry.
  lda MATH_INT_INPUT_1 + 1
  eor MATH_INT_INPUT_2 + 1
  bmi @different_sign ; eor our high bytes and check
                      ; the neg flag to see if they differ
  lda MATH_INT_INPUT_1 + 1 ; if one is positive here, they both must be
  bpl @both_positive
@both_negative: ; we have to do an inverted comparison here
                ; because if a < b then -b < -a
  lda MATH_INT_INPUT_1 + 1 ; check high byte first
  cmp MATH_INT_INPUT_2 + 1
  bcc @not_less_than ; inverted because negative
  lda MATH_INT_INPUT_1 ; low byte next
  ; the problem seems to be somewhere around here
  bcc @not_less_than ; inverted because negative
  beq @not_less_than
  jmp @less_than ; inverted because negative
@both_positive: ; we get to do a straight-up comparison here
  lda MATH_INT_INPUT_1 + 1 ; check high byte first
  cmp MATH_INT_INPUT_2 + 1
  bcc @less_than
  lda MATH_INT_INPUT_1 ; low byte next
  bcc @less_than
  jmp @not_less_than
@different_sign: ; if they have different signs, the negative one is smaller
  lda MATH_INT_INPUT_1 + 1
  bmi @less_than ; are we the negative one? Than we're @less_than
  jmp @not_less_than
  lda #1
  jmp @return
  lda #0
  ; return

Test results:

50<50==0   => 0
50<60==1   => 1
60<50==0   => 0
-50<-60==0 => 1
-60<-50==1 => 1

So I'm currently missing it in the case where a>b and a and b are negative. That should be a 0 but it is a 1. So specifically, something must be wrong about what I'm doing in and around the second line containing bcc @not_less_than within the @both_negative section, but I can't see what's wrong with it.

Update Thanks to @penguin359 I was able to shorten the code to this with the same level of functionality, but unfortunately it still doesn't correctly handle negative numbers:

MATH_lt_int: ; a < b, a: MATH_INT_INPUT_1, b: MATH_INT_INPUT_2
  jsr MATH_clear_int_output ; I use too many subroutines, sorry.
  lda MATH_INT_INPUT_1 + 1 ; check high byte first
  cmp MATH_INT_INPUT_2 + 1
  bmi @less_than
  lda MATH_INT_INPUT_1 ; low byte next
  bmi @less_than
  jmp @not_less_than
  lda #1
  jmp @return
  lda #0
  ; return

Test results:

50<50==0   => 0
50<60==1   => 1
60<50==0   => 0
-50<-60==0 => 0
-60<-50==1 => 0


  • You need to use the compare instructions for signed integers for the high-byte. bcc and friends is for branched compares on unsigned integers. bmi is the signed version of it.

    For the high-byte, you just stick to the bpl, bmi, and beq branch instructions, then it will compare signed integers as expected. There's no need to worry about handling negative numbers differently. If the high-byte proves equal, then you need to compare the low-byte, but in this case, you want the unsigned version of the instructions as there's no sign bit to deal with.

    Think about some simple, easy example. Let's compare 1 and 2 stored in 16-bit words. The high bytes will both be 0x00 and equal, but the low bytes will be 0x01 and 0x02. An unsigned compare says that the latter is greater. Let's push it to the extreme case of this and compare 0 with 255. The high-byte is still 0x00 in both cases, but the low bytes are now 0x00 and 0xff. Obviously, a signed compare here would consider the latter lower and representing -1, but an unsigned compare will say it's greater. If we push it to 256, well, the high bytes are no longer equal and the signed compare there works as before.

    Now, let's look at negatives and compare -1 (0xffff) and -2 (0xfffe). Well, the high bytes are equal, but the low bytes are 0xff and 0xfe with -1 being greater as it should be in unsigned world. Comparing it with -256 (0xff00) and -255 (0xff01), 0x00 is less than 0x01, as well as less than 0xfe and 0xff for the -2 and -1 case. Only the high byte needs a signed comparison.