
Is it okay to have same name of parameter and variable in function call in Kotlin?

i have query that is it fine to use to use named parameter which having name parameter and the variable name same in a function call

for example

fun fun1( to:string ){

fun fun2( ){
to = "xyz"
fun1( to = to)

calling fun1 which have a parameter name "to" and passing variable "to" is it okay to do so . In either of case can someone also explain how the compiler will resolve this


  • In Kotlin, property or variable assignment can only happen if the variable/property name and = are at the beginning of a line of code (or the first code in the scope { } of a lambda or defined function), not in the middle of an expression or list of function arguments.

    Since the compiler sees to = inside the argument list of a function call, it resolves it as a named argument rather than a variable assignment, so the to of to = is interpreted as a function parameter name.