
how to convert HEIC geolocation to google lng lat format

I have saved HEIC photos taken by my iphone. I opened it and try find out the lat and lng numbers. What it shows is completely different to the format shown in google and it is not searchable. How do I convert these numbers to conform Google maps?

The numbers are as follows: Latitude: 39;53;0.6499999 Longitude: 116;9;24.4199999 HEIC format Google format


  • You can use 're' (regular exploration) library to convert your string to "degrees, minutes, seconds"

    Then convert those value into Decimal Degree format.

    import re
    def extract_lat_long(coord_string):
        pattern = r'Latitude: (\d+;\d+;\d+\.\d+) Longitude: (\d+;\d+;\d+\.\d+)'
        match =, coord_string)
        if match:
            latitude_input_string =
            longitude_input_string =
            return latitude_input_string, longitude_input_string
            return None
    def parse_dms(coord_string):
        pattern = r'(\d+);(\d+);([\d.]+)'
        match = re.match(pattern, coord_string)
        if match:
            degrees = int(
            minutes = int(
            seconds = float(
            return degrees, minutes, seconds
            return None
    def dms_to_decimal(degrees, minutes, seconds):
        return degrees + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600
    # Your specific example:
    coord_string = 'Latitude: 39;53;0.6499999 Longitude: 116;9;24.4199999'
    latitude_input_string, longitude_input_string = extract_lat_long(coord_string)
    latitude_degrees, latitude_minutes, latitude_seconds = parse_dms(latitude_input_string)
    longitude_degrees, longitude_minutes, longitude_seconds = parse_dms(longitude_input_string)
    print(f"Latitude: {latitude_degrees, latitude_minutes, latitude_seconds} Longitude: {longitude_degrees, longitude_minutes, longitude_seconds}")
    latitude_decimal = dms_to_decimal(latitude_degrees, latitude_minutes, latitude_seconds)
    longitude_decimal = dms_to_decimal(longitude_degrees, longitude_minutes, longitude_seconds)
    print(f"Latitude: {latitude_decimal} Longitude: {longitude_decimal}")


    $ python
    Latitude: (39, 53, 0.6499999) Longitude: (116, 9, 24.4199999)
    Latitude: 39.88351388886111 Longitude: 116.15678333330555

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