I'm new to wordpress and i tried the command to generate a wordpress/block
npx @wordpress/create-block wis-slider --no-plugin
In this folder i get a "view.js" were i can load external libraries like swiper.js
Unfortunately, i do not know how to display the block attributes in view.js?
Very simple way to get attributes in view.js is to pass as varibales in save.js like this using JSON.stringnify() (code line: { var testimonialsSlides=${ JSON.stringify(slides) }
} ):
export default function Save({ attributes }) {
const { title, slides } = attributes;
const {blockClassName, blockStyleObject } = useBlockStyle( 'testimonials', {
color: attributes.color,
bgColor: attributes.bgColor,
} );
const blockProps = useBlockProps.save({
className: `${blockClassName} ${blockClassName}-${ attributes.clientId }`,
style: blockStyleObject
return (
<div {...blockProps}>
<div className={`${blockClassName}__icon`}></div>
<RichText.Content value={ title } tagName="p" className={`${blockClassName}__title`} />
<div className={`swiper ${blockClassName}__swiper`}>
<div className="swiper-wrapper">
{slides.map(( slide, index ) => (
<div className={ `swiper-slide ${ index === 0 ? 'swiper-slide-active' : '' }` }>
<div className="wp-block-oimocode-testimonials__item">
<div className="wp-block-oimocode-testimonials__rating">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faStar} />
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faStar} />
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faStar} />
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faStar} />
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faStar} />
<RichText.Content value={ slide.content } tagName="p" className={`${blockClassName}__review`} />
<div className="swiper-pagination">
{slides.map(( slide, index ) => (
<span className={ `swiper-pagination-bullet ${ index === 0 ? 'swiper-pagination-bullet-active' : '' }` }>
{ slide.imgUrl && <img src={ slide.imgUrl } alt={ `reviewer-avatar-${ index }` } />}
{ ! slide.imgUrl && <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faUser} /> }
<script>{ `var testimonialsSlides=${ JSON.stringify(slides) }` }</script>