I am currently writing a custom Layer and a custom LayerView in Typescript using https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/sample-code/custom-lv-masking/ as a guide.
To use proper Typescript Classes I have split the example code into a class CustomLayer and CustomLayerView2D and extended BaseLayerView2D. In the handler function I have the following code
const projectionPromise = projection.load();
const layer = this.layer as CustomLayer;
if (!layer.geometry) {
this.projectedGeometry = null;
this.needsImageUpdate = true;
if (geometry !== oldGeometry) {
projectionPromise.then(() => {
this.projectedGeometry = projection.project(
projection.getTransformation(layer.geometry.spatialReference, layer.tileInfo.spatialReference)
this.needsImageUpdate = true;
} else {
this.needsImageUpdate = true;
Every time I call this.requestRender() I get the error that in BaseLayerView2D display is not set.
So I tried to call super.initialize() to set display but then I get the error that in BaseLayerView2D container is not set. How can I set container or what am I doing wrong?
It turns out that trying to force the Esri example into TypeScript classes caused the error. Exporting the example as a lambda function (abridged from the original example) worked.