I try to use unified.js as a dependency of my custom sharepoint web part and I am new to typescript. I tried several variants of import statements and configurations but still get import and type errors.
=> How exactly should the import statement and the configuration files for the sharepoint web part look like to get it working?
Some of the errors I faced:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export' (at unified.js:1:1)
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'devlop' in 'D:\eis\python_env\workspace\component_webpart\node_modules\unified\lib'
resolve 'devlop' in 'D:\eis\python_env\workspace\component_webpart\node_modules\unified\lib'
Parsed request is a module
using description file: D:\eis\python_env\workspace\component_webpart\node_modules\unified\package.json (relative path: ./lib)
Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
resolve as module
D:\eis\python_env\workspace\component_webpart\node_modules\unified\lib\node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
I tried following import statements
import {unified} from 'unified';
import * as unified from 'unified';
import unified from 'unified';
I also tried to add unified under externals
section of config/config.json
"externals": {
"unified": "node_modules/unified/index.js"
"externals": {
"unified": {
"path": "node_modules/unified/index.js",
"globalName": "unified"
I also tried to add unified under the types
section in tsconfig.json
"types": [
There is some documentation about how to add an external library for web parts here:
...but I find it hard to follow.
Unity provide a index.d.ts
file. Therefore, I do not need to manually create a type file?
The tools used by sharepoint web parts seem to be quite outdated (node version v18.19.0 and typecript 4.7.4).
=> Maybe I need to use an older, specific version of unified instead of current version 11.0.4 in order to be compatible?
I downgraded unified to version 10.0.1 and it works now, without extra entries for config.json or tsconfig.json.
The corresponding import statement is
import {unified} from 'unified';