
Unexpected behavior when searching in code

Embarcadero® Delphi 11 Version 28.0.48361.3236

  1. In the code editor, I search for some word 1 in the current unit.
  2. Press the F3 key.
  3. Select some word 2 in the code (for example, by mouse double-clicking).
  4. Press the F3 key again.

Expected result: search for word 1.
Actual result: search for word 2.

Moreover, in the control of the Search panel, I see word 1. But the search continues by the last selected word in the text.

Is it a bug, or a new feature?

It really disturbs my work. How to turn this off?


  • This is a known bug in Delphi 11 that was fixed in Delphi 12:

    RSP-40690: Highlight words settings seems to affect behavior of F3