
Making Vuforia Unity projects for 32-bit devices

I would like to develop an AR app through Vuforia and Unity for a 32-bit device, the Vuzix Blade 2. In order to make the app compatible with 32-bit devices, I had to enable ARMv7. I had a previous issue with the app not working with 32-bit devices, missing some libraries for 32-bit operations according to this SO answer:

enter image description here

This is the error I got:

Note that you’re currently targeting 32-bit (ARMv7) and ARCore is removing support for 32-bit only apps on 64-bit devices. This removed support might result into a black screen. Please target also 64-bit (ARM64) if your app is used on 64-bit devices.

enter image description here

Consulting the Vuzix Blade 2 documentation suggested that ARMv7 is necessary.

enter image description here

As a result I consulted this SO answer which suggested ARM64 also be activated. The problem persisted.

My next attempt was to follow a Vuforia tutorial which suggested either reinstalling a custom, depreciated ARCore, or removing ARCore entirely. The link in question for the ARCore is badly depreciated.

I attempted to install the custom, depreciated ARCore. This was the result:

Found plugins with same names, Assets/Plugins/Android/arcore_client.aar and Packages/com.google.ar.core.arfoundation.extensions/Runtime/Plugins/arcore_client.aar. Delete the one of the duplicate plugins. UnityEditor.Android.AndroidPluginImporterExtension:CheckFileCollisions (string,string[]) UnityEditorInternal.PluginsHelper:CheckFileCollisions (UnityEditor.BuildTarget,string[]) UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

enter image description here

And now I am unsure which plugin to delete.

Please let me know if more information is required.


  • Reinstalling Vuforia into Unity and double-checking the license used for Vuforia proved effective in solving the issue.

    If you are having the same issue, check if the version of Vuforia used is properly installed.