
"Permission Denied" when trying to invoke yq command from within it's container

I have the following Dockerfile to build yq so that I can edit Yaml Files in a Jenkins pipeline.

FROM some_registry/some_prj/busybox:1.31.1
LABEL maintainer="this.maintainer@com"

RUN mkdir -p /usr/bin/yq

RUN addgroup -S yq && adduser -S yq -G yq

RUN chown yq: /usr/bin/yq && chmod u+rwx /usr/bin/yq


RUN cd /usr/bin/yq && wget "https://some_registry/nexus/repository/applications-to-deploy/yq/yq_linux_amd64"

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/yq"]

My yq_linux_amd64 is from here - and the file is yq_linux_amd64.

The image is built, but I cannot invoke the command yq from the container. The pipeline has the following step

    def sourceArtefact
        checkout scm
    stage("invoke yq"){
        docker.withRegistry("https://some_prj/harbor/", "robot_id_to_pull"){
            docker.image("some_prj/yq:v0.4").inside("--entrypoint='' -u 0:0"){
                sh "yq --version"

The shell command throws an error "Permission Denied". I am confused what exactly is wrong here.


  • You are creating the /usr/bin/jq, then downloading the binary into it, so the binary will be /usr/bin/jq/yq_linux_amd64

    Your entrypoint is /usr/bin/jq which is a folder, not the binary. (and you're overriding the entrypoint, anyway).

    This works for me:

    LABEL maintainer="this.maintainer@com"
    RUN mkdir -p /usr/bin/yq
    RUN addgroup -S yq && adduser -S yq -G yq
    RUN cd /usr/bin/yq && wget "https://some_registry/nexus/repository/applications-to-deploy/yq/yq_linux_amd64"
    RUN chown yq: /usr/bin/yq && chmod u+rwx /usr/bin/yq
    USER yq
    ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/yq/yq_linux_amd64"]

    Note that your sh step would need to point to the binary, as well.