As you know, the CORS standards include initially sending an OPTIONS request to check validity, and I decided to release the processing of OPTIONS requests in the handler, but a problem arose to return a boolean value, and only process OPTIONS requests, and skip the rest in runOn, perhaps you know others ways to handle CORS helper requests?
public void run() {
.handle((request, response) -> {
if (request.method().equals(HttpMethod.OPTIONS))
return response
.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE")
.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Authorization")
.bindUntilJavaShutdown(Duration.ofSeconds(30), this::onStart);
If anyone suddenly needs
private @NotNull CorsConfig getCorsConfig() {
return CorsConfigBuilder.forAnyOrigin()
.allowedRequestMethods(HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST, HttpMethod.DELETE, HttpMethod.PUT, HttpMethod.PATCH)
.allowedRequestHeaders("Content-Type", "Authorization")
public void run() {
.bindUntilJavaShutdown(Duration.ofSeconds(30), this::onStart);
private void addHandler() {
this.connection.addHandlerLast(new CorsHandler(getCorsConfig()));