
vertical line(boundary) issue in vegalite charts

I create vertical line(boundary) in chart at any point of data provided by the user example link of vertical line specs

now, I tried to put the value in encoding.x.dataum in such way that vertical line got disappear example in this i put empty string but it is still making vertical line editor link .
Please help me by providing such a value to put in encoding.x.dataum such that the line will not show but the layer exists. Thanks in advance


  • You could also do it like this:

    Change the transform filter for a date you want or set it to null if you want it hidden.

    But setting x.datum will not work.

      "data": {
        "values": [
          {"Calendar": "200901", "Del": 2502},
          {"Calendar": "200902", "Del": 2481},
          {"Calendar": "200903", "Del": 2764},
          {"Calendar": "200904", "Del": 2666},
          {"Calendar": "200905", "Del": 3044},
          {"Calendar": "200906", "Del": 3307},
          {"Calendar": "200907", "Del": 3375},
          {"Calendar": "200908", "Del": 3044},
          {"Calendar": "200909", "Del": 2473},
          {"Calendar": "200910", "Del": 3201},
          {"Calendar": "200911", "Del": 2351},
          {"Calendar": "200912", "Del": 2703}
      "vconcat": [
          "encoding": {"x": {"field": "Calendar", "type": "nominal"}},
          "layer": [
              "encoding": {"y": {"field": "Del", "type": "quantitative"}},
              "mark": {"tooltip": true, "type": "line"}
              "transform":  [{"filter": "datum.Calendar == 200910"}],
              "mark": {"tooltip": true, "type": "rule", "color": "red"}