I have responses coming from Microsoft Forms where people had a multiple choice option. It is part of a larger data frame and one ofc the columns with the responses coming from my CSV looks like the following:
Which method of transport do you use? |
own car; bicycle |
own car |
own car; bicycle; public transport |
public transport; something other that people where able to put in themselves |
... |
Now I would like to visualize this and count the responses. The ranking is not relevant (there was no option to click bicycle 1st place and so on).
I started with a simple
question1 <- df %>% strsplit(`Which method of transport do you use?`, ";")
That gave me a list, but I am not sure it is the right start and not sure how to move on from here to make some nice graphs and show the answers.
data %>%
separate_rows(transport, sep = "; ") %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = transport) +
structure(list(transport = c("own car; bicycle", "own car", "own car; bicycle; public transport",
"public transport; something other")), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))