
Looker Studio: Calculated field multiplying rather than dividing

I'm completely new to Looker Studio so apologies if this is a simple question. I've spent some looking for an answer but not found anything yet.

What I am trying to do is divide revenue by the number of queries received. For example:

Revenue = £5000 Total Queries = 5 Revenue per query = £1000`

The 'Total Queries' field I have is already a calculated field, counting up two different types of queries.

My formula so far is: Revenue / Total Queries

But unfortunately this is multiplying rather than dividing. If it was the example above I would get a figure of £50,000.

I have tried adding SUM() in a variety of places, but I just can't get the correct figure.

Can anyone kindly assist? Many thanks in advance.


  • try the following approch

    Revenue / (Total Queries * 1.0)

    this is probably happening because looker studio treats integer division differently from floating-point division here by multiplying by 1.0 converts the integer division to floating-point division.

    additionally if the above approch did not work .

    dimension: revenue {
      type: number
      sql: ${TABLE}.revenue ;;
    dimension: total_queries {
      type: number
      sql: ${TABLE}.total_queries ;;
    measure: revenue_per_query {
      type: number
      sql: ${revenue} / ${total_queries} ;;

    it will ensure that all are the number type ,also it is a better way to handle.