I want to create a solution to control if header inclusions are done properly. Imagine a following scenario:
| _____ foo.cpp
| _____ foo_public.h
| _____ bar.cpp
| _____ bar_public.h
| _____ baz.cpp
| _____ baz.h
inside foo_public.h stands following #include "bar_public.h"
When someone edits the bar_public.h accidentally with #include "baz.h"
that solution should catch this since the file does not end with "*_public.h" and give and error in build. Such inclusion error can occur in every header file that ends with _public. For the rest this rule is not important.
Some guarantees in the project:
directives inside files.#include "myProject/newFile/new_intface_public.h"
I don't know which direction should I go, I thought I can use CMake functions for this purpose but I am new to CMake, I don't know where to start. Some alternatives in my mind:
Any ideas, comments would be appreciated.
The following CMake code should do the job.
# Get a list of '*_public.h' files
GLOB_RECURSE _public_files
# Generate a project in '/public_if_test/' in the build folder and
# for every header file:
# * generate a source file which includes only the header file
# * copy the header file
set(_gen_source_files "")
foreach(header_file ${_public_files})
get_filename_component(_name ${header_file} NAME_WLE)
file(WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/public_if_test/${_name}.cpp"
"#include \"${header_file}\"")
file(COPY "${header_file}"
list(APPEND _gen_source_files
# Create a build target to check if the '*_public.h' files are self contained
add_library(test_public_interface MODULE ${_gen_source_files})
An build error is generated, if a header file is not fully self contained.