
Which data type is the result of division?

List the round function in postgres:

\df  round
                         List of functions
   Schema   | Name  | Result data type | Argument data types | Type 
 pg_catalog | round | double precision | double precision    | func
 pg_catalog | round | numeric          | numeric             | func
 pg_catalog | round | numeric          | numeric, integer    | func

The argument for round must be double precision,numeric,integer.

select  6::float/3.3 as number;
(1 row)

If its data type is double precision :

select  round(6::float/3.3,4) as number;
ERROR:  function round(double precision, integer) does not exist
LINE 1: select  round(6::float/3.3,4) as number;
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
Time: 0.517 ms

Which data type is the result of division----1.8181818181818183


  • You can always check things like that with pg_typeof(): demo

    select pg_typeof(6::float/3.3) as number_type;
    double precision

    The reason your function call didn't work is that \df showed you three different round() functions. The first two accept exactly one argument:

    round ( numeric ) → numeric

    round ( double precision ) → double precision

    Rounds to nearest integer. For numeric, ties are broken by rounding away from zero. For double precision, the tie-breaking behavior is platform dependent, but “round to nearest even” is the most common rule.

    and only the one accepting numeric has a variant with a 2nd argument, integer, to specify how many decimal places you want to round to.

    round ( v numeric, s integer ) → numeric

    Rounds v to s decimal places. Ties are broken by rounding away from zero.

    So if you cast to ::numeric instead or don't cast at all and let PostgreSQL presume numeric by default, you can get that one to get picked:

    select round(6/3.3,4) as number;

    Here's the doc on result types in mixed-type mathematical operations:

    Calls involving multiple argument data types, such as integer + numeric, are resolved by using the type appearing later in these lists.

    The list in question being "smallint, integer, bigint, numeric, real, and double precision". Here's a cheatsheet:

    divident /smallint divisor /integer divisor /bigint divisor /numeric divisor /real divisor /double precision divisor
    smallint smallint integer bigint numeric double precision double precision
    integer integer integer bigint numeric double precision double precision
    bigint bigint bigint bigint numeric double precision double precision
    numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric double precision double precision
    real double precision double precision double precision double precision real double precision
    double precision double precision double precision double precision double precision double precision double precision