I have been trying to implement a pdf-viewer in a template in Typo3. This works perfectly while there is a <f:debug></f:debug> embedded inside the template. However, if i remove this debug element, the pdf doesn't start rendering.
I noticed that TYPO3 moves everything from the part of the html to the body and puts only a element with the styles for the debug element if it is present. Otherwise the , etc. elements are put here by TYPO3. I don't know if these are mere side effects or whether this is related to my problem.
Why does adding <f:debug></f:debug> affects the structure of the output html so drastically and is there any summary of everthing that it changes? Is there a simple method to copy these effects without a debug element?
I tried replicating the effects from adding a debug element to the template, like moving all assets to the body, however this was unsuccsessful.
I got a good hint in Slack about the same issue - the idea is that the debug output puts the browser in quirks mode and therefore "forgives" the code of deprecated methods, for example. I think that's a good starting point.