
Remove selected attributes in WEKA

I am creating a scatterplot of countries with most hotel cancelations and i have accumulated alot of data from various countries and when i visualize the data it does translate well so i need to remove most of the countries from the country attribute but it wont seem to let me do it very easily shows the country attribute with the specific countries as selected attributes

scatter plot of countries and the months with most cancelations which has not translated well as there are too many countries

I tried using the 'removewithvalue' filter but it is a very time consuming process when there are 178 different countries and it doesn't specifically remove the selected attribute


  • RemoveWithValues removes the rows in the data of the label indices of the attribute that you've specified. Unless you specify the -H/modifyHeader option/property to also remove these labels from the attribute definition, the predefined labels will still be present as valid labels, but with 0 occurences.