
How can i import data from kaggle while not downloading it?

I want to import data from kaggle to my Notebook while not having to download it (So if i share my .ipynb u only need to run the code and it will download it from the internet), but i can't figure out if it is even possible and which link to copy. Here is the kaggle website:

data = pd.read_csv('link here')

I tried copying the download button link, but it doesn't work and says: ParserError: Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 1 fields in line 9, saw 2


  • 1st method

    you can head into the dataset page and click on new notebook at the top right corner enter image description here

    2nd method

    open any notebook and click on add data at the right menue

    enter image description here

    3rd method

    not recommended, since each person that opens the ipynb will have to upload their own token first.

    when using colab first download your kaggke json key and do the following steps

    ! pip install  kaggle
    from google.colab import files
    !kaggle datasets download -d [user/data-name]

    in our example here [user/data-name] is kukuroo3/body-performance-data

    enter image description here