Based on the order of the output in the xcode's console, it seems to suggest that default assignment happens before the execution of init()
. However, the assignment in init()
does not take effect. Here is the code:
TestStateVar(a_stateVar: 5)
struct TestStateVar: View {
@State private var stateVar = -1
init(a_stateVar: Int) {
print("init-1: self.stateVar = \(self.stateVar)|a_stateVar = \(a_stateVar)")
self.stateVar = a_stateVar
print("init-2: self.stateVar = \(self.stateVar)")
var body: some View {
.onAppear() {
print("onAppear: self.stateVar = \(self.stateVar)")
Here is the output from the xcode's console:
init-1: self.stateVar = -1|a_stateVar = 5
init-2: self.stateVar = -1
onAppear: self.stateVar = -1
Is it possible, i.e., using some sort of linting, to configure xcode to detect this bug?
try using this way to initialise a @State var
, such as:
init(a_stateVar: Int) {
print("init-1: self.stateVar = \(self.stateVar) | a_stateVar = \(a_stateVar)")
_stateVar = State(initialValue: a_stateVar) // <--- here
print("init-2: self.stateVar = \(self.stateVar)")