
Is it possible to create RavenDB map-reduce index that contains generic type via IndexCreation.CreateIndexes?

I have an index:

public class TotalsIndex<TClass> : AbstractIndexCreationTask<TClass, Totals> where TClass : class, IClass

I get an error: Cannot create an instance of Raven.Client.Documents.Indexes.AbstractIndexCreationTask1[TDocument] because Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true.'`

when use IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(assembly, store);

Is it possible to create RavenDB map-reduce index that contains generic type via IndexCreation.CreateIndexes?

On the other hand new TotalsIndex<TClass>().Execute(documentStore); works


  • The common way to define a Map or a Map-Reduce index is without the generic on the index class name.

    e.g., see this Map-Reduce index example:
    (taken from https://demo.ravendb.net/demos/csharp/static-indexes/map-reduce-index)

    public class Employees_ByCountry : 
        AbstractIndexCreationTask<Employee, Employees_ByCountry.IndexEntry>
        public class IndexEntry
            public string Country { get; set; }
            public int CountryCount { get; set; }
        public Employees_ByCountry()
            Map = employees => from employee in employees
                select new IndexEntry
                   Country = employee.Address.Country,
                   CountryCount = 1
            Reduce = results => from result in results
                group result by result.Country into g
                select new IndexEntry
                    Country = g.Key,
                    CountryCount = g.Sum(x => x.CountryCount)

    You can then deploy the index by:

    new Employees_ByCountry().Execute(store);

    or by:

    IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(new[] { new Employees_ByCountry() }, store);

    or - as you wanted - by:

    IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(assembly, store);

    or by:
    Sending a PutIndexesOperation on the store

    See Creating & Deploying: