
What is the minimum number of written bytes of a SocketChannel when its key is writable?

Let's say we're going to write some bytes to a SocketChannel within a writable SelectionKey.

// in a single selection loop

if (selectedKey.isWritable()) {

    final var channel = (SocketChannel);
    assert !channel.isBlocking(); // checked!

    final var buffer = (ByteBuffer) selectedKey.attachment();
    assert buffer.hasRemaining(); // checked!

    final var w = channel.write(buffer);
    assert w >= 0; // ok, no harm
    assert w >  0; // really?

My question is,

Can I technically be assured that the result of the channel.write(buffer) is always positive?

In a same point of view, is the underlying socket's output buffer always has a free space when the selectedKey.isWritable() results true?

P.S. I already check the documentation.

Some types of channels, depending upon their state, may write only some of the bytes or possibly none at all. A socket channel in non-blocking mode, for example, cannot write any more bytes than are free in the socket's output buffer.


  • Can I technically be assured that the result of the channel.write(buffer) is always positive?

    TL;DR: as the question is posed, no, there is no such assurance.

    The general model of operation for non-blocking channel I/O is that when an I/O operation is requested, as many bytes are transferred as can be done without blocking, up to a maximum of the number requested. That may be 0 bytes. Under the conditions you describe, that would normally be a positive number of bytes, but

    In a same point of view, is the underlying socket's output buffer always has a free space when the selectedKey.isWritable() results true?

    A channel's selection key indicating that the channel is writable means that at least one byte can be transferred to it without blocking. There is only indirect attestation to there being an underlying output buffer at all, though in practice, that is indeed how all socket implementations I know work. Supposing that there is indeed an output buffer, yes, the channel being writable means there is at least one byte of space available in that buffer.