I am trying to import a json document to a sqlite3 database using the .import
function. from what I can tell, sqlite3 .import expect the JSON data to be one line per row, with number of items matching the table column, and separated by .separate
if I define .separator="\t"
, I am trying to create a reformatted json file using jq, but got an error.
here is my test
$echo '[{"a1":{"b1":1,"c1":{"c1":"test","c2":null}}},{"a2":{"b2":1,"c":{"c2":"test","c2":null}}}]' | jq -c '.[] | to_entries'
my goal is to create the following tab-separated lines (\t below means tab \x09
but I failed to achieve this format with jq alone. I could get this separated by new-lines
$echo '[{"a1":{"b1":1,"c1":{"c1":"test","c2":null}}},{"a2":{"b2":1,"c":{"c2":"test","c2":null}}}]' | jq -c '.[] | to_entries |.[] | [.key, .value] | .[]'
but if I use join("\t"), it complains that it can not join a string with an object
echo '[{"a1":{"b1":1,"c1":{"c1":"test","c2":null}}},{"a2":{"b2":1,"c":{"c2":"test","c2":null}}}]' | jq -c '.[] | to_entries | .[] | [.key, .value] | join("\t")'
jq: error (at <stdin>:1): string ("a1\t") and object ({"b1":1,"c1...) cannot be added
I could use perl or sed to postprocess the new-line separated text to get what I wanted, but I hope to learn how to do this properly with jq
is this possible?
To get your desired output, use @json
to JSON-encode any input as strings. Then, use the --raw-output
(or -r
) flag to print the string values as is.
The simplest way would be to use string interpolation:
… | jq -r '.[] | to_entries[] | @json "\(.key)\t\(.value)"'
But you can also use join("\t")
from your attempt on a prepared array. In this case, using the tojson
converter is also possible:
… | jq -r '.[] | to_entries[] | [.key, .value | @json] | join("\t")'
# or
… | jq -r '.[] | to_entries[] | [.key, .value | tojson] | join("\t")'
"a1" {"b1":1,"c1":{"c1":"test","c2":null}}
"a2" {"b2":1,"c":{"c2":null}}