I'm have been trying to deploy a lambda function that need zeep[xmlsec] to work, But at this moment I couldn't install the xmlsec requirement to I am trying to deploy a lambda that queries a soap resource, which is why it has a dependency on the zeep[xmlsec] library. Until now it has been impossible to do so, because it generates the same error as on Mac. Has any of you deployed a lambda that uses said library that can guide me?
poor using virtual environments to install the libraries and create layers but it didn't work. A solution or help how I can do to display the lambda.
I was able to deploy a lambda function with zeep==4.2.1
and lxml >= 3.8.0
using AWS SAM.
lxml >= 3.8.0
and with sam build
and sam deploy --guided
you can deploy the lambda function.
Here is the link a the github code that I use