
How do I purchase a product with a one-time price through the Stripe API?

I have a product in Stripe with multiple prices, some recurring and a one-time price. (eg. $10/month, $100/year, $1,000 one-time)

For the recurring prices I use stripe.subscriptions.create with the customer, items, etc. as described in the docs here. But I get an error if I try to list the one-time price in the items array.

What is the correct way to handle a one-time price? Do I need to load the price, check if price.recurring isn't set, and use a payment intent instead? This seems odd as it doesn't reference the product at all.


  • The Subscriptions API is designed for collecting recurring payments from customers, and that's why it would err if you specified a one-time price in the items array.

    Yes, you should check the type of the price before deciding whether to use Subscriptions API or PaymentIntents API.