
Is there a way to make agents pickup pipeline jobs instantaneously?

We have a scenario where the ADO web hooks are just falling short in capabilities. I'm using the web hooks to trigger an Azure Logic App but its getting a bit over complicated with the different actions I'd need to compensate for a lot of the information that the Web hook does not have available (custom fields, dynamic project and organization names, etc)

A web hook trigger to run a build pipeline that has a custom script is unfortunately slow since the time it takes for that task to trigger would already be about 10 seconds on a good day, we'd need something to process some work item data and then trigger some API calls in 2-3 seconds from the time of the event (in this case the event is a work item getting created)

I've not included a lot of details as they're not necessary but the end-to-end process looks like this:

I'd appreciate any suggestions that including only azure and azure devops products. Company policy prevent me from setting some third party service or application to fill in this gap.


  • You may consider using Azure DevOps WebHooks to trigger your workflow.

    In addition, you may use WebHook resource to trigger pipeline that uses InvokeRESTAPI@1 task in an agent-less job to call API request to external endpoint. Since the pipeline uses an agent-less job, it will skip the waiting time for the pipeline to pick up an agent from the pool. Here is a simple sample for your reference.

    1. Create an Incoming WebHook service connection the Azure DevOps project settings and take notes of the WebHook Name ADOWebHook and Service Connection Name ADOWebHookSvcCnn; enter image description here
    2. Generate YAML pipeline referencing the .yml file from the default branch of the pipeline; refer the WebHook Name ADOWebHook and Service Connection Name ADOWebHookSvcCnn defined in the Incoming WebHook service connection during step 1;
      - webhook: ADOWebHook
        connection: ADOWebHookSvcCnn
    - job: AgentlessJob
      pool: server
      condition: ${{ eq( parameters.ADOWebHook.resource.fields['System.Reason'], 'New defect reported') }}
      - task: InvokeRESTAPI@1 # Send custom notification to Microsoft Teams (as the external service)
          connectionType: 'connectedServiceName'
          serviceConnection: 'ADOTeamsIncomingWebHookConnector'
          method: 'POST'
          body: |
                "@type": "MessageCard",
                "@context": "",
                "themeColor": "0076D7",
                "summary": "${{ parameters.ADOWebHook.resource.fields['System.CreatedBy'].displayName }} created a new ${{ parameters.ADOWebHook.resource.fields['System.WorkItemType'] }}",
                "sections": [{
                    "activityTitle": "${{ parameters.ADOWebHook.resource.fields['System.CreatedBy'].displayName }} created a new ${{ parameters.ADOWebHook.resource.fields['System.WorkItemType'] }}",
                    "activitySubtitle": "On Project ${{ parameters.ADOWebHook.resource.fields['System.TeamProject'] }}",
                    "activityImage": "",
                    "facts": [{
                        "name": "Assigned to",
                        "value": "${{ parameters.ADOWebHook.resource.fields['System.CreatedBy'].displayName }}"
                    }, {
                        "name": "Created date",
                        "value": "${{ parameters.ADOWebHook.resource.fields['System.CreatedDate'] }}"
                    }, {
                        "name": "Status",
                        "value": "${{ parameters.ADOWebHook.resource.fields['System.State'] }}"
                    "markdown": true
                "potentialAction": [{
                    "@type": "ActionCard",
                    "name": "Add a comment",
                    "inputs": [{
                        "@type": "TextInput",
                        "id": "comment",
                        "isMultiline": false,
                        "title": "Add a comment here for this task"
                    "actions": [{
                        "@type": "HttpPOST",
                        "name": "Add comment",
                        "target": ""
                }, {
                    "@type": "ActionCard",
                    "name": "Set due date",
                    "inputs": [{
                        "@type": "DateInput",
                        "id": "dueDate",
                        "title": "Enter a due date for this task"
                    "actions": [{
                        "@type": "HttpPOST",
                        "name": "Save",
                        "target": ""
                }, {
                    "@type": "OpenUri",
                    "name": "Learn More",
                    "targets": [{
                        "os": "default",
                        "uri": ""
                }, {
                    "@type": "ActionCard",
                    "name": "Change status",
                    "inputs": [{
                        "@type": "MultichoiceInput",
                        "id": "list",
                        "title": "Select a status",
                        "isMultiSelect": "false",
                        "choices": [{
                            "display": "In Progress",
                            "value": "1"
                        }, {
                            "display": "Active",
                            "value": "2"
                        }, {
                            "display": "Closed",
                            "value": "3"
                    "actions": [{
                        "@type": "HttpPOST",
                        "name": "Save",
                        "target": ""
          waitForCompletion: 'false'
    # - job: AgentJob
    #   dependsOn: []
    #   steps:
    #   - script: echo "The reason is ${{ parameters.ADOWebHook.resource.fields['System.Reason'] }}"
    1. Generate the WebHook URL; replace the <ADO Organization Name>with your Azure DevOps organization name and <WebHook Name> with ADOWebHook from our example;<ADO Organization Name>/_apis/public/distributedtask/webhooks/<WebHook Name>?api-version=6.0-preview
    1. Create WebHook event of Work item created; add the WebHook URL from step 3 into this event to trigger this pipeline;

      enter image description here enter image description here

    2. My sample pipeline will be triggered once a new work item is created; it evaluates the value of field System.Reason of the newly created work item and then send API request to the external endpoint (Microsoft Teams connector message); you can customize this request sent to external endpoint with the parameter information from the event payload using the format ${{ parameters.<WebhookAlias>.<JSONPath>}};

    Here is the Test payload of the triggering event to create a new work item;

    Method: POST
    URI: https://< Organization Name>/_apis/public/distributedtask/webhooks/ADOWebHook?api-version=6.0-preview
    HTTP Version: 1.1
      Authorization: Basic ********
      Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      "subscriptionId": "bb3faa0d-6063-42ef-8820-5d5037161241",
      "notificationId": 12,
      "id": "d2d46fb1-dba5-403c-9373-427583f19e8c",
      "eventType": "workitem.created",
      "publisherId": "tfs",
      "message": {
        "text": "Bug #5 (Some great new idea!) created by Jamal Hartnett.\r\n(",
        "html": "<a href=\";id=5\">Bug #5</a> (Some great new idea!) created by Jamal Hartnett.",
        "markdown": "[Bug #5]( (Some great new idea!) created by Jamal Hartnett."
      "detailedMessage": {
        "text": "Bug #5 (Some great new idea!) created by Jamal Hartnett.\r\n(\r\n\r\n- Area: FabrikamCloud\r\n- Iteration: FabrikamCloud\\Release 1\\Sprint 1\r\n- State: New\r\n- Assigned to: \r\n- Comment: \r\n- Severity: 3 - Medium\r\n",
        "html": "<a href=\";id=5\">Bug #5</a> (Some great new idea!) created by Jamal Hartnett.<ul>\r\n<li>Area: FabrikamCloud</li>\r\n<li>Iteration: FabrikamCloud\\Release 1\\Sprint 1</li>\r\n<li>State: New</li>\r\n<li>Assigned to: </li>\r\n<li>Comment: </li>\r\n<li>Severity: 3 - Medium</li></ul>",
        "markdown": "[Bug #5]( (Some great new idea!) created by Jamal Hartnett.\r\n\r\n* Area: FabrikamCloud\r\n* Iteration: FabrikamCloud\\Release 1\\Sprint 1\r\n* State: New\r\n* Assigned to: \r\n* Comment: \r\n* Severity: 3 - Medium\r\n"
      "resource": {
        "id": 5,
        "rev": 1,
        "fields": {
          "System.AreaPath": "FabrikamCloud",
          "System.TeamProject": "FabrikamCloud",
          "System.IterationPath": "FabrikamCloud\\Release 1\\Sprint 1",
          "System.WorkItemType": "Bug",
          "System.State": "New",
          "System.Reason": "New defect reported",
          "System.CreatedDate": "2014-07-15T17:42:44.663Z",
          "System.CreatedBy": {
            "displayName": "Jamal Hartnett",
            "url": "",
            "_links": {
              "avatar": {
                "href": ""
            "id": "e5a5f7f8-6507-4c34-b397-6c4818e002f4",
            "uniqueName": "Jamal Hartnett",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "descriptor": "ukn.VXkweExUVXRNakV0TWpFME5qYzNNekE0TlMwNU1ETXpOak15T0RVdE56RTVNelEwTnpBM0xURXpPRGswTlRN"
          "System.ChangedDate": "2014-07-15T17:42:44.663Z",
          "System.ChangedBy": {
            "displayName": "Jamal Hartnett",
            "url": "",
            "_links": {
              "avatar": {
                "href": ""
            "id": "e5a5f7f8-6507-4c34-b397-6c4818e002f4",
            "uniqueName": "Jamal Hartnett",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "descriptor": "ukn.VXkweExUVXRNakV0TWpFME5qYzNNekE0TlMwNU1ETXpOak15T0RVdE56RTVNelEwTnpBM0xURXpPRGswTlRN"
          "System.Title": "Some great new idea!",
          "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Severity": "3 - Medium",
          "WEF_EB329F44FE5F4A94ACB1DA153FDF38BA_Kanban.Column": "New"
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": ""
          "workItemUpdates": {
            "href": ""
          "workItemRevisions": {
            "href": ""
          "workItemType": {
            "href": ""
          "fields": {
            "href": ""
        "url": ""
      "resourceVersion": "1.0",
      "resourceContainers": {
        "collection": {
          "id": "c12d0eb8-e382-443b-9f9c-c52cba5014c2"
        "account": {
          "id": "f844ec47-a9db-4511-8281-8b63f4eaf94e"
        "project": {
          "id": "be9b3917-87e6-42a4-a549-2bc06a7a878f"
      "createdDate": "2024-01-30T03:13:52.0705853Z"

    Here the output in the external service (a notification card in Microsoft Teams); enter image description here