So NuGet says I have 3 vulnerable packages. But when I then ask for a listing of the vulnerable packages, I get 0. What is going on here?
Update: And it gets weirder. I updated Visual Studio and now:
So clearly there's some bugs around this in the latest Visual Studio pre-release.
Ways to check risk:
dotnet list package --vulnerable
or (including transitive packages):
dotnet list package --vulnerable --include-transitive
If there is really some risk packages there, then you will get:
NuGet obtains its information regarding Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) and GitHub Security Advisories (GHSA) directly from the centralized GitHub Advisory Database. This database provides listings of known vulnerabilities, where a CVE is a list of publicly disclosed computer security flaws, and a GHSA is a GitHub Security Advisory. Nuget package management risk report based on this.
So if you couldn't find the risk packages via the command, then it s believed that the situation you encountered is caused by temporary issue of Visual Studio preview version.