My issue is that I am unable to get client code for my .proto in dart. I have a .proto that I have compiled and tested in C#/.NET Core 7.0. I've successfully deployed the server to another machine, and have interacted with it from Visual Studio running my C# client. I would like to have a dart client so that I can have my flutter application interact with the server. It took a lot of struggle, but I was eventually able to figure out how to get the autogenerated code in dart. I had started by trying to use the Quick Start Guide, but wasn't making any progress. I was able to eventually get them after finding these things:
Figured out how to actually get protoc callable from this:
Figured out how to actually get autogenerated files from the "Compiling Your Protocol Buffers" section in this:
My problem is now that I can't seem to figure out how to use the autogenerated classes for a client. The output is 4 files:
In all of the examples I can find online, everyone appears to call a a "Client" class that is autogenerated. I don't have any "Client" code in my autogenerated files. The closest thing I have is an Api class that takes an RpcClient (an abstract class) in to it's constructor. I thought maybe I could use the Client class from the grpc package but that doesn't inherit from RpcClient and doesn't work.
class GpioApi {
$pb.RpcClient _client;
$async.Future<TimedOnResponse> timedOn($pb.ClientContext? ctx, TimedOnRequest request) =>
_client.invoke<TimedOnResponse>(ctx, 'Gpio', 'TimedOn', request, TimedOnResponse())
$async.Future<TimedOffResponse> timedOff($pb.ClientContext? ctx, TimedOffRequest request) =>
_client.invoke<TimedOffResponse>(ctx, 'Gpio', 'TimedOff', request, TimedOffResponse())
My hunch is that I've got to tell protoc to compile for Client instead of Server (which you can do in C# by updating a tag in your .csproj, but I cannot find the equivalent in flutter/dart and all my google searches keep giving me these examples that just have the autogenerated code with the client classes. Is this something I can specify in the .proto? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
This is my .proto:
syntax = "proto3";
package gpio;
service Gpio {
rpc TimedOn (TimedOnRequest) returns (TimedOnResponse);
rpc TimedOff (TimedOffRequest) returns (TimedOffResponse);
message TimedOnRequest {
int32 pin = 1;
double seconds = 2;
message TimedOnResponse {
bool success = 1;
string message = 2;
message TimedOffRequest {
int32 pin = 1;
message TimedOffResponse {
bool success = 1;
string message = 2;
I figured it out. From the getting started tutorial I shared in my post, they have a line as such:
protoc -I=$SRC_DIR --dart_out=$DST_DIR $SRC_DIR/gpio.proto
I had to modify it like this:
protoc -I=$SRC_DIR --dart_out=grpc:$DST_DIR $SRC_DIR/gpio.proto
The output is:
The .pbgrpc.dart has the Client class present in the examples.