
How to Find and Use Percentiles in Stata

I have a variable, income, that details some respondents' incomes. I now want to create a new variable, income_group, which has a value of 1 if the respondent's income is less than the 50th percentile, 2 if the respondent's income is between the 50th and 90th percentile, and 3 if it's greater than the 90th percentile. How would I go about doing this? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


  • Here is a reproducible example that shows how to do this:

    set obs 1000
    * Generate a mock income var
    generate income = runiform()
    * Calculates the percentiles
    summarize income, detail
    * Show what values summarize stores for you
    * (This line is not needed, just showing you)
    return list
    * Generate the categorical variable
    generate income_group = 0
    replace  income_group = 1 if income > r(p50)
    replace  income_group = 2 if income > r(p75)
    replace  income_group = 3 if income > r(p90)
    replace  income_group = income if missing(income)