I have this tibble with a bunch of dates, below is a sample of the tibble.
library(tibble); library(lubridate)
c("25/10/1952", "27/05/1961", "07/11/1962", "20/12/1963", "15/01/1966", "12/02/1966", "12/05/1966", "11/11/1967", "14/01/1975", "17/10/1976", "05/11/1981", "03/11/1982", "14/11/1982", "12/10/1984", "24/12/1988", "26/10/1998", "11/11/2003", "14/12/2003") -> start
c("08/11/1952", "27/05/1961", "07/11/1962", "28/12/1963", "10/03/1966", "05/03/1966", "12/05/1966", "16/11/1967", "15/02/1975", "30/10/1976", "05/11/1981", "16/11/1982", "18/11/1982", "12/10/1984", "29/12/1988", "28/10/1998", "12/11/2003", "02/02/2004") -> finish
tibble(start = as.Date(dmy(start)), finish = as.Date(dmy(finish))) -> df
I need to get unique months contained in either column. So the output from the above would be this:
January, February, March, May, October, November, December
How can I achieve this?
df %>%
pivot_longer(everything()) %>%
distinct(month = month(value, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE)) %>%
# A tibble: 7 × 1
1 January
2 February
3 March
4 May
5 October
6 November
7 December
Bonus, count numnber of occurences:
df %>%
pivot_longer(everything()) %>%
count(month = month(value, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE), name = "count")
# A tibble: 7 × 2
month count
<ord> <int>
1 January 2
2 February 3
3 March 2
4 May 4
5 October 7
6 November 13
7 December 5