
how can i draw a border between DropdownMenuItems in jet pack compose?

how can i draw a border between DropdownMenuItems in jet pack compose?

I want to draw a bottom border or a border between the diferent items in a DropDownMenu in jetpack compose in my Topbar Menu.

I try to do this with de modifier = Modifier.border() but i can't.


  • If you are using Material Design 2, check out the Divider Composable:

    DropDownMenuItem(/* ... */)
    Divider(startIndent = 8.dp, thickness = 1.dp, color = Color.Black)
    DropDownMenuItem(/* ... */)

    If you are using Material Design 3, check out the HorizontalDivider Composable:

    DropDownMenuItem(/* ... */)
    DropDownMenuItem(/* ... */)