
Can we use 'xp_logininfo' to compare and find duplicate groups?

With 'xp_logininfo' we can pull members of AD Security Groups

/* all groups user is member and group granting access */
EXEC   xp_logininfo 'Domain\WindowsUser', 'all';

/* all user is in group */
EXEC   xp_logininfo 'Domain\WindowsGroup', 'members';

Problem: I have inherited many security groups and found duplicate: Groups either have the same members but different access or Same access different members in groups Some groups no longer have members at all

Idea: I want to find all the Windows Groups drop them in a table then (and this is where I need a smarted DBA) create a new table using 'xp_logininfo' to execute on every name name in the first table

from [sys].[database_principals]
where [type] in ('G')

Insert Into #temptable1 ([name])

EXEC   xp_logininfo '#temptable1', 'members';
CREATE TABLE #temptable2 ( [account name] nvarchar(128), [type] varchar(8), [privilege] varchar(8), [mapped login name] nvarchar(128), [permission path] nvarchar(128) )

INSERT INTO #temptable2 ([account name], [type], [privilege], [mapped login name], [permission path])

So far I am able to pull members of AD Security Groups 1 at a time but with over 800 groups just collecting the data and moving it into excel to compare has been a time consuming task.

If anyone has done this or has an idea how I can speed this up I'd love the assistance.

I'd like to add I'm dyslexic so if I need to re-explain any of this please let me know.


  • Update: I found this: Enumerate Windows Group Members Lowell Izaguirre, 2017-02-24 (first published: 2016-03-17)

    Info - https://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/enumerate-windows-group-members Code - https://www.sqlservercentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/EnumerateWindowsGroupMembers.sql

    I used this to write the results to a table and compared the data

        -- Quick script to enumerate Active directory users who get permissions from An Active Directory Group
        --a table variable capturing any errors in the try...catch below
        DECLARE @ErrorRecap TABLE
             ID           INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
             AccountName  NVARCHAR(256),
             ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(256)
        IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tmp') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE #tmp
        --table for capturing valid resutls form xp_logininfo
        CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#TMP] ( 
        [ACCOUNT NAME]       NVARCHAR(256)                        NULL ,
        [TYPE]               VARCHAR(8)                           NULL ,
        [PRIVILEGE]          VARCHAR(8)                           NULL ,
        [MAPPED LOGIN NAME]  NVARCHAR(256)                        NULL ,
        [PERMISSION PATH]    NVARCHAR(256)                        NULL )
        DECLARE @groupname NVARCHAR(256)
          --better practice cursor: all options
         declare c1 cursor LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY STATIC READ_ONLY for
          --cursor definition
           SELECT name 
           FROM master.sys.server_principals 
           WHERE type_desc =  'WINDOWS_GROUP' 
          OPEN c1
          FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @groupname
          WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1
              BEGIN TRY
                  EXEC master..xp_logininfo @acctname = @groupname,@option = 'members'     -- show group members
              END TRY
              BEGIN CATCH
                --capture the error details
                DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT, 
                        @ErrorNumber INT, 
                        @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000), 
                        @ErrorState INT
                SET @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()
                SET @ErrorNumber = ERROR_NUMBER()
                SET @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE()
                SET @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE()
                --put all the errors in a table together
                INSERT INTO @ErrorRecap(AccountName,ErrorMessage)
                  SELECT @groupname,@ErrorMessage
                  --echo out the supressed error, the try catch allows us to continue processing, isntead of stopping on the first error
                PRINT 'Msg ' + convert(varchar,@ErrorNumber) + ' Level ' + convert(varchar,@ErrorSeverity) + ' State ' + Convert(varchar,@ErrorState)
                PRINT @ErrorMessage
            END CATCH
            FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @groupname
          CLOSE c1
          DEALLOCATE c1
        --display both results and errors
        SELECT * FROM #tmp
        SELECT * FROM @ErrorRecap