
GCP: Service account projects/-/serviceAccounts/ was not found

I'm trying to deploy a webpage based on Next.js with Firebase hosting via the Firebase CLI.
The API route is not available for static pages created using the next export method, so I'm trying to deploy Next.js using FIrebase's webframeworks function.
However, when I create the function in Cloud Functions, if I check the logs, I get the following message:

status: {
  code: 5
  message: "Service account projects/-/serviceAccounts/ACCOUNT_NUMBER-. was not found."

The service account for was removed more than 30 days ago and cannot be undeleted.
Can I create a new service account?



  • You are unable to create the function in cloud function because your service account for was removed more than 30 days ago and cannot be found.

    You need to assign the service account to cloud function by following steps :