For eg : Subquery
A subquery has returned rows with :
(Select roll_no , name , subject, mark , result from tablea )
Roll_no Name Subject Mark Result
1 J Math 90 P
1 J English 80 P
1 J Lang 30 F
1 J Science 60 P
1 J History 70 P
I want main query to create a indicator with all value from subquery and if one record in the subquery has value F in the result column for the above 5 records , then create 5 records in main-query with grade F for all records else P in all 5 records in main query
select a.* , grade from (Select roll_no , name , subject, mark , result from tablea ) as a
Roll_no Name Subject Mark Result Grade
1 J Math 90 P F
1 J English 80 P F
1 J Lang 30 F F
1 J Science 60 P F
1 J History 70 P F
Using a window function, you could do the following:
Select roll_no , name , subject, mark , result,
MIN(result) OVER () as Grade
from tablea
That's going to return the min(result) of the result set and repeat for each record, so even if one F
appears, then every record will show F