
Apple Pay Web - determine supported client version

What is a good way to determine what Apple Pay web SDK version does the web client support?

In checking the documentation only found supportsVersion(number): boolean


  • Found no other way than to iterate against all the versions until you find one that works.

    static getLatestSupportedVersion(): number {
      if (!this.doesBrowserSupport()) {
        return 0
      const LATEST_VERSION = 16
      let applePayVersion = LATEST_VERSION
      while (!this.supportsVersion(applePayVersion) && applePayVersion > 1) {
      return applePayVersion
    static supportsVersion(number): boolean {
      return window.ApplePaySession.supportsVersion(number)
    static doesBrowserSupport(): boolean {
      if (window["ApplePaySession"]) {
        return true
      return false