
How to enable virtual threads in springBootTest

Is there a way to enable virtual threads when executing through @SpringBootTest? I've tried both known ways, but nothing works with @SpringBootTest. 1: spring.threads.virtual.enabled=true 2: with beans

Here are my tests:

  1. my controller:
    protected ResponseEntity<?> runningOnVirtualThread() {
        return ResponseEntity
  1. tests
    protected MockMvc mockMvc;

    void testing_with_MockMvc() throws Exception {//DO NOT PASS
        var response = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/api")).andExpect(status().isOk()).andReturn();
        //controller returns false, so the next fails.

    void testing_with_RestAssured() {//PASS
        DemoApplication.main(new String[]{});


  • To begin with, testing your endpoint with RestAssured-powered full-blown HTTP request to it and with Mock Mvc technique are two completely different things from the standpoint of the execution of this endpoint.

    RestAssured, or just plain TestRestTemplate, issues an HTTP request that does hit the (embedded) Tomcat server and whatever you configured for Tomcat Connector, protocol, with Spring Boot property spring.threads.virtual.enabled etc gets invoked and comes into play.

    In contrary, Mock Mvc technique completely bypasses the Tomcat Connectors and other Tomcat machineries, instead handing the HTTP request directly to Spring TestDispatcherServlet.

    Therefore, with Mock Mvc, your Controller method executes on the same thread as your test executes, while with REST techniques this method executes on Tomcat Connector-controlled thread.

    Therefore, the situation you stumbled across when with Mock Mvc the Controller method is not executed on virtual thread is absolutely normal and I wouldn't bother about it at all.

    Although I see little to no value whatsoever in "fixing" this issue and in forcing Mock Mvc to run on a virtual thread, it is difficult to envision all the ramifications you have with your tests, and, if it is absolutely necessary, then I could offer a very simple walkaround - to run your Mock Mvc test already on a virtual thread.

    Technically, it might look like a drop-in replacement of MockMvc class, let's call it MockMvcOnVirtualThreads; you can pick up less awkward name.

    public class MockMvcOnVirtualThreads {
        private final MockMvc delegatee;
        private final ExecutorService executor;
        public MockMvcOnVirtualThreads(MockMvc delegatee) {
            this.delegatee = delegatee;
            this.executor = Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor();
        public DispatcherServlet getDispatcherServlet() {
            return delegatee.getDispatcherServlet();
        public ResultActions perform(RequestBuilder requestBuilder) throws Exception {
            return executor.submit(() -> delegatee.perform(requestBuilder)).get();

    It then could be instantiated like this:

    public class MockMvcConfigurer {
        private MockMvc mockMvc;
        public MockMvcOnVirtualThreads mockMvcOnVirtualThreads() {
            return new MockMvcOnVirtualThreads(mockMvc);

    and then, as a drop-in, you just inject in your tests this MockMvcOnVirtualThreads instance instead of original, genuine MockMvc:

    protected MockMvcOnVirtualThreads mockMvc;
    void testing_with_MockMvc() throws Exception {

    (Don't forget to let Spring Boot Test engine to pick up MockMvcConfigurer)

    As you can see, the above differs very little from plain execution of your test on a virtual thread like this:

        Thread.ofVirtual().start(() -> {
            try {
                ResultActions response = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/api"));
            } catch (Exception e) {

    , just very basic wrapping.

    If everything above makes at least some sense to you, it would be easy for me to publish fully working POC, please let me know.

    Few additional in-depth notes: