In order to make my codes more compliant with C++ style instead of C style, I want to replace errno
with std::errno
, and replace include <errno.h>
with include <cerrno>
To my supprise, these's NO std::errno
As we known, many C things have an C++ equivalent. For expamle:
In a c-source.c, we code often like this:
#include <string.h>
print( strerro(1) );
In a c++source.cpp, we can do it like this:
#include <cstring>
std::cout << std::strerro(1);
Why is NOT there std::errno
while std::strerro
To my supprised, these's NO "std::errno"!
That is because, errno
is a preprocessor macro. It doesn't live in a namespace(actually it has no concept of namespaces etc). From errno documentation:
errno is a preprocessor macro used for error indication. It expands to a static(until C++11)thread-local(since C++11) modifiable lvalue of type int.
(emphasis mine)
This means that we can't prepend errno
with std::