Using the mongodb
input in Benthos, what is the right way to query documents by a date field of type ISODate
Here's an example of creating such a document using the MongoDB Shell (mongosh
test> db.createCollection("dates")
{ ok: 1 }
test> db.dates.insertOne({"date": new Date()})
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: ObjectId('65c103d3540bd3cffe79bfcb')
test> db.dates.find()
_id: ObjectId('65c103d3540bd3cffe79bfcb'),
date: ISODate('2024-02-05T15:50:43.826Z')
The date must be passed to the query in RFC3339 format. Here is a working config which leverages the builtin Bloblang timestamp manipulation methods:
url: mongodb://localhost:27017/?maxPoolSize=3
database: dates
collection: test
username: "mongoadmin"
password: "secret"
operation: find
json_marshal_mode: canonical
query: |
# Exact match using the standard Golang RFC3339 layout.
# Details here: = {"$eq": "2024-02-05T15:50:43.826Z".ts_parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00")}
# Alternatively, you can leverage the `ts_strptime()` method to parse a
# time string using a more human-friendly format specifier
# = {"$gte": "2024-02-05".ts_strptime("%Y-%m-%d")}
stdout: {}